Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness

Tis the season to watch basketball... and for a blizzard???

Had a good time watching the march madness tournament while on spring break with the church family... even though KU, Louisville, and Pittsburgh lost... but what was more mad than that was the blizzard that came through!

It was a pretty crazy weekend! Newton got about 6 inches of snow I'd say... but western Kansas got up to over 2 feet!! CRAZY!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wanted:: Disney DVDs

I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with owning as many DVDs as I possibly can. I know it doesn't sound bad, but when you don't have money but yet everytime you go to Wal-Mart you HAVE to buy at least one $5 DVD... that eventually starts adding up. I think I've bought close to $150 worth of DVDs since August. That's a lot! Luckily most of them were $5 or less (I've decided that since they will all eventually get to be that price, why waste the money buying them now?), so my DVD collection has grown quite a bit-- and that makes me happy! =]

But now I've decided that I want Disney DVDs really bad! But the bad thing is that Disney only puts out their DVDs in rounds--so you can only find them on eBay or on Amazon from different sellers--and of course since they are hard to find, they are expensive. Boo. So I need ideas where to get cheap Disney DVDs. Anybody know where? I thought about looking at garage sales, but I doubt many DVDs will be for sale as there are VHSs.

So anyway... I want Disney DVDs! =] Anybody wanna give theirs up / buy them for me? hehe that'd be great! thanks!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break Day 1

So it's finally Spring Break! YAY!

Pretty eventful first day. Got up fairly early and started my search for Guitar Hero World Tour for PS2. So this game is pretty awesome because it has a mic and drums (kinda like rockband but it's guitar hero...). I searched the two places in Newton that would have it, and they didn't. Boo. So mom and I decided to make a little trip down to Wichita. I found it! Got it home and played it for about 30 mins--made my rocker and everything. This game is awesome!!

So after that Whitney and I went down to Valley Center to go to Cody's BBQ birthday party. It was a blast! So glad that Cody and Rebecca are coming to church with us in Newton because they are pretty rockin'! Kinda makes me sad that I don't live here anymore because we have so many activites going on at church and with younger people and I don't get to participate in them as often as I would like. But anyway, we had some awesome BBQ and then played Sand Volleyball. It was definitely my first time playing sand volleyball--and I was horrible at it (I mean the last time I played any type of volleyball was in 8th grade and I was on the C team.) but it was a lot of fun!

After the BBQ, Whit and I went over to K&D's (my sister and brother-in-law's) to watch a game in the NCAA Tourny, and then rock out on World Tour. It was great! We had so much fun!

Today was a great first day of Spring Break! Loved it! Tomorrow will be good too-- Church, KU plays at 1:30, Church, then pancake feed afterwards tomorrow night. SO excited! =]

Anyway... I've decided that I wish it was Spring Break all the time... I love my family and church family so much!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Home Stretch...

Finally... It's nearing the end of the week. Get to go home in a little over 36 hours! How glorious!! Got everything big, for this week, out of the way. Now it's just sticking to going to three more classes.

Got a quiz in MacroEconomics on Friday at 12. Boo. Wanted to skip that class and get started on the trek back to Newton by 11. Nope. Gotta stay in Springtown til at least 1. Yuck.

Spring Break is almost here! Yay!

Spring Break Countdown:: 2 days!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


(Click on the image to view it all).

Okay so this flow chart is pretty hilarious. And this is what I go through every day of my life. =]

I'm currently procrastinating by actually typing this post. I literally just told my roommate, "I wish I had something productive to do so I wouldn't feel guilty not doing my take home exam." So now I'm typing this to waste some more time until I can be like, "Oops, it's time for bed, guess I'll do my work tomorrow." Which is horrible, because this take home test is going to take a lot of time, and it is due Tuesday. Boo. I'm especially not wanting to do it because it's about abortion. Yuck. Not fun.

Okay, I'll go procrastinate somewhere else.

Spring Break Countdown:: 6 days!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Last House on the Left

Do not see this movie. Too many very unnecessary parts. Boo. Don't waste your time or money.


I am very excited that it is Friday today! This week actually went by pretty fast. I was expecting it to go by very slow since Spring Break is coming up and I had a lot of tests and papers due this week. Luckily, I survived them all. Wrote a paper for English, took an abortion quiz (got a 95% on that!), and took my MicroEconomics test (luckily got a 100%, but only after he curved it... but hey, 100% is still 100%). Now I just have to worry about my take home test over abortion. Yuck. Not that it's over abortion (although I'm tired of learning about it...) but that it is going to be a lot of work. It's for my Philosophy class--and my professor is crazy.

Anyway, Kristin, Nikki, and I are going to go see The Last House on the Left tonight--I'm really scared about going. I don't do scary movies, so we'll see how it goes.

Then tomorrow I am going to drive up to Kansas City, KS to meet my good friend Sarah and her family to go prom dress shopping for Hannah her younger sister. I am pretty excited. It's kinda funny to think that from Springfield to KC is the same distance as Newton to KC. Hopefully I'll be able to make the 3 hour drive in the early morning--but I think I will survive.

Anyway, just thought I'd update.

Spring Break Countdown:: 8 days!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It’s Been A Long Time…

So how long has it been since I've updated this thing? Holy cow, 8 months? Well I could go on and on about how I have been busy with school and what not—but those of you who actually read this already know what I've been up to. Facebook is where most people keep up with me… but I do enjoy writing a blog every once in awhile (even though not many people read this).

So in order for me to keep this blog running I've decided that I need something to put on here (like a goal/list) so I will update more often. So what should I do? I need some goals (ouch, I don't have goals??). Maybe a list of movies that I want to see? I don't know! We'll see.

...So I was reading my last post and I saw that I had a list of movies that I wanted to see... and since it has been 8 months, I figured I would comment and make some changes to that list...

The Dark Knight (I can't wait for this... yay for Batman!!!) -SO good! I've seen it how many times now? Too many to count.
Wall E -Still haven't seen it... still want to.
Wanted -Saw it. Basically only because James McAvoy is in it--and he was delicious as ever. But it wasn't the greatest movie ever.
Kung Fu Panda -HAHAHA. This movie is adorable and hilarious! Jack Black is pretty much amazing--and he only contributed a voice! Love it!
The Incredible Hulk (I LOVE Edward Norton... that's the only reason I want to see this :)) -Still haven't seen it... still want to.
Step Brothers (Doesn't come out until 7/25. But it looks Hilarious!) -Haven't seen it. DON'T want to. After it came out so many people told me not to see it. I'm disappointed.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian -Saw it! Can't go wrong with CofN!
Made of Honor -CUTE! McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) is adorable. Except I hate that he was a player. Boo on that part.
Iron Man -I rented it this past Winter break... but for some reason never got around to watching it... still want to see it. Robert Downing Jr. is awesome!
Baby Mama -Haha!! Too funny!!
21 -OH MAN. I love this movie! So clever. And Kevin Spacey really wasn't too horrible.
Horton Hears a Who! -Still haven't seen it... but I don't really have any desire to see it anymore. Maybe one of these days.
The Other Boelyn Girl -Watched probably 3/4ths of it... it was good... but I had to turn it off for some reason. Need to watch it all the way through to give an accurate rating.
Definitely, Maybe -Very cute! But kind of confusing, until the end. The daughter was too adorable.
Jumper -Haven't seen it... yet. I've heard it's amazing...
Fool's Gold -Still need to see...
Michael Clayton -Watched all but like the last 30 mins because it was.... BORING. Boo.
The Bucket List -I want to see this still!!
P.S I Love You (I just finished the book--which is amazing, READ IT!) -AMAZING. Although it doesn't do the book justice. I cried the entire movie. Own it. Love it.

Okay... so ones I still need to see:

Wall E
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
The Other Boelyn Girl
Fool's Gold
The Bucket List

--I might add that all of these are in my Netflix queue... but they just seem to get pushed behind other ones. Spring Break I must catch up!!