Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break Day 1

So it's finally Spring Break! YAY!

Pretty eventful first day. Got up fairly early and started my search for Guitar Hero World Tour for PS2. So this game is pretty awesome because it has a mic and drums (kinda like rockband but it's guitar hero...). I searched the two places in Newton that would have it, and they didn't. Boo. So mom and I decided to make a little trip down to Wichita. I found it! Got it home and played it for about 30 mins--made my rocker and everything. This game is awesome!!

So after that Whitney and I went down to Valley Center to go to Cody's BBQ birthday party. It was a blast! So glad that Cody and Rebecca are coming to church with us in Newton because they are pretty rockin'! Kinda makes me sad that I don't live here anymore because we have so many activites going on at church and with younger people and I don't get to participate in them as often as I would like. But anyway, we had some awesome BBQ and then played Sand Volleyball. It was definitely my first time playing sand volleyball--and I was horrible at it (I mean the last time I played any type of volleyball was in 8th grade and I was on the C team.) but it was a lot of fun!

After the BBQ, Whit and I went over to K&D's (my sister and brother-in-law's) to watch a game in the NCAA Tourny, and then rock out on World Tour. It was great! We had so much fun!

Today was a great first day of Spring Break! Loved it! Tomorrow will be good too-- Church, KU plays at 1:30, Church, then pancake feed afterwards tomorrow night. SO excited! =]

Anyway... I've decided that I wish it was Spring Break all the time... I love my family and church family so much!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

YAY! Glad you came :)