Sunday, April 13, 2008

Overheated, Blessed, Scared & Busy

Good News: My Laptop works!!!

Apparently my laptop just got overheated. I was not aware that you are suppose to let air circulate and so leaving the laptop on my bed was not a good idea. So after a day or so of down time, it ended up cooling off and working. I'm just glad that I didn't have to call Dell about it. :) Now that it works my stress level is down 100% and I am in a much better mood. I don't know why it is but computer problems always make me stressed out. Probably because I live on my computer and it is a very expensive computer that wasn't bought with my money. So I'm always afraid that I did something wrong.

I am feeling extremely blessed lately. Especially tonight now that my mood is much better because of the laptop. My life is great! I have a great family, amazing friends, and the Lord as companions. What more could I ask for? I have been so involved with Church things lately and it has done me good! I love being surrounded by pure things and thoughts. It's tough living in this world, so it's so nice to be around my church family a lot. I hope that things and gatherings keep coming up. :)

Speaking of things coming up... Graduation is in 5 weeks! WHAT?! Who would've thunk that I would be graduating so soon! I still can't believe it myself. Although I am extremely happy to be graduating because I feel like I belong in a world more mature than High School, I am still quite scared to move on. Being at home and around schoolmates has been my life for 12+ years. Graduating is just the first step of my life beyond High School. I am so ready to move on, on one hand. But on the other hand I'm scared a little. I think I will survive without my family, but I am going to miss them a lot! I really just don't want to miss out on anything. Especially with my cousins and their kids and my brother and sister if they start having kids. I don't know if I will be able to be away if Kathryn or Steven have kids. But I also don't want to be a homebody either. One of the main reasons I am choosing to go to Missouri State is so I can get away from home and grow up. I have a feeling that if I don't leave right after high school and even just take a year off, I'll want to stay home forever and never go to school. And I don't want that to happen. I want to get away from home to see the other way of life outside of Newton/Wichita. But as much as I tell myself that MSU is the best choice for me, I still have my doubts. It's only 4.5 hours away, but I won't be able to come home whenever I want really. I am going to miss my mom a lot, and what worries me most is that she's going to be home alone. We are kind of each others' support system at home. So it's going to be really hard leaving that.

Along with graduation and college, I am EXTREMELY busy this month. I have things planned on every weekend for the next 4 weekends with church related things, which is good, but I need to find some time to do graduation things. I need to get announcements ready and sent, a slide show put together for me and 4 of my friends, and also get my graduation party things situated. Unfortunately the month of April is not a month of having fun with my friends and doing the slacker senior things... it is a very busy month for me, but that is actually good for me. I need things to do so I don't feel like such a bum! :)

My goal #1 for this week: Work on being a better example.
Scripture for goal #1: Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." (KJV)


Anonymous said...

ومن المثير للاهتمام جدا للقراءة. أريد أن أقتبس مشاركتك في بلدي بلوق. ويمكن أن؟ وأنت وآخرون حساب على التغريد؟

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the helpful post! I would not have gotten this otherwise!.