Monday, April 21, 2008

Moustaches and Movies

Goal update from last week: I said I wanted to work on being a better example. I think this week I failed at reaching my goal. Unfortunately I have a problem with road rage and a couple of times I got pretty angry at the cars in the school parking lot (Basically just this one truck that cut me off twice in one day and then again the next day) and I honked quite a bit. I probably wasn't setting a very good example. :(

So I was in Kingman this past weekend at my cousin Amy's house. Mallory, Alan, Brody, and I went down Friday so we could help Amy and Justin get ready for their garage sale on Saturday. We had a really good time. Amy had a pretty successful garage sale. It was the perfect day for a sale, sunny, warm and no wind. I did get a little sunburn--but that's okay.

Sunday I stayed in Kingman because they were having a youth rally/get together. It was a lot of fun. There were a lot of kids there, which is really good. That Sunday after morning services we went to eat at Jeri's kitchen. It just so happens that they sell fake moustaches and things there in the little vending machine type things. It was the perfect time to go to Jeri's becasue I actually NEEDED a fake moustache. I have an english video to create for a project and I had to dress up as Henry Ford, so I needed a moustache.

But Amy and I decided to buy a couple extra so we could take some sweet pictures and videos. It was really funny! I'll post a picture at the bottom.

I was really glad that I ended up going to Amy's instead of going to prom this weekend. I think it is one of the greater decisions I've ever made. But from the pictures, prom did look pretty fun! So I hope that everyone had a fun and safe weekend.

Darrick, Kathryn, and I plan on going to Wellington tomorrow evening for another meeting with Loy. I'm so excited! Who better to be around than your Christian family?

Goal for this week: Not be so stubborn--and to be patient with those who don't believe the same way as I.

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