Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Maybe Baby - Buddy Holly

I haven't updated this in quite some time. So here it goes....

I had no title for this blog, so I put what I was listening to at the time--and it just so happens to be Buddy Holly's Maybe Baby. And I just realized that this is where my mom got this phrase when she used to sing to me "Maybe Baby" to me whenever I'd ask a question. Ha!

So what's been going on, you ask? (Or don't ask--I'll tell you anyway) Just finished my 2nd year of college officially, and it turned out pretty well. So far so good with grades and everything which is nice. I have a nice buffer in my GPA to be able to keep my scholarship for the rest of my college career--hopefully anyway. It would be so nice to be able to not have student loans ever! Being able to start out my "adult" life without debt would be amazing!

So what happened this school year? It started out me living in the dorms in the fall--which turned out to be horrible. My roommates were all freshman, and to put it nicely were not good roommates to have. So I ended up meeting a super nice girl in my Economics class and we got to talking and she mentioned that she was looking for a roommate because she was living by herself in a house that her dad owns down here in Springfield. It ended up being a fabulous deal, and I wanted to move in right away. Unfortunately, I had to jump through many many hoops and loops to be able to move out of the dorms without having an "extreme need" that was deemed by the university. Somehow, with lots of tears and threatening remarks of moving back home, I was allowed to move out of the dorms at semester. And let me tell you, it was one of the best things I have ever done! The house is so amazing I just love it! No more stress of having to deal with horrible roommates, horrible parking spots, horrible study environment, horrible cafeteria food, etc, etc. It is also nice to have a place where my friends and family can come over and stay / have dinner.

Classes went well this Spring semester, and I am almost sad to see it leave, because I know that the coming semesters will not be as carefree and easy as this past semester was. I feel like this past semester was somewhat of a joke--I hardly ever had homework, and my professors all seemed to be lenient on grading, which was awesome. I ended up with a 4.0 this semester--which I was ecstatic about!

So now what's next? I am taking off a couple of weeks before intensely searching for a job. It's nice to just be able to do whatever--like go to Silver Dollar City for the Bluegrass & BBQ festival whenever I want, or do things with the church that I've been committed to. Too bad doing things I like doesn't pay--because I am slowly (or actually, rather quickly) am running out of money. I've been trying to be better about budgeting my money, but that hasn't really worked out to well. I always end up spending large amounts of money on something necessary (or not) and my budget usually gets pushed to the side. Which wouldn't matter as much if I had a job--because then I could do more things that cost money and not have to worry too much about having enough money for food or gas.

Anyway, life is pretty much the same old routine--that is why I guess I don't feel it necessary to update this blog (and the fact that I'm pretty sure no one ever reads these posts). I wish that I was creative and had fun things to write about--but that is just not the case, unfortunately.

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