Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Okay, so I've been busy. Last week had to write a 3-4 page essay for my Philosophy exam over the death penalty (kill me... pun intended.) then I had to write a 5-7 page research paper over why PE classes should have more requirements in school districts. Ugh. Now this week I am going to be busy with writing my term paper for philosophy that is over Same-Sex marriage. Yuck. Not looking forward to it. It is due on Tuesday, so the rest of this week and weekend is going to be super busy and not fun. But after that, I am done until finals really. I don't have any more tests before finals. Hallelujah.

Been looking for a job as well. Need one for the summer back in Newton. I've applied three places, and I'm hoping one will come through, but I haven't even heard anything from two of them and I'm kind of getting worried. No one wants to hire just for the summer. Boo. Might just have to suffer and apply at Dillion's, even though I REALLY don't want to work there... we'll just see I suppose. If anybody hears of anything opening up for the summer, let me know! I don't want anything in food or wal-mart though. =] I know, I'm picky.

Anyway, not much else to update about... gotta get my term paper started and finished by Monday night... think I can do it? Well, I better be able to anyway!

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