Friday, May 2, 2008

20 different people

1. List some things you want to say to 20 different people but you know you never will.2. Don't say who they are.3. Feel free to comment, but don't confirm or answer anything.4. Never discuss it again.5.This is in no particular order at all.
--we'll see if i can get 20. lol

1. I'm so glad that even though we still don't get along the greatest, things are working out and we are closer. It's fun hanging out with you more.
2. I don't even know where to start with you. You are amazing. I wish I were like you--beautiful, caring, and wonderful. I wish we lived in the same town, and you also make me not want to move away. I will miss you so terribly!
3. You have become one of the closest friends I have. I can tell you anything, which is awesome. I'm so glad that we believe the same way as well--which helps in desperate times, like recently. Love you so much!! :) all I have to say is, Cheeseburger!
4. Sometimes you irritate me... but I love you the same! It's fun to have been so close with you all of high school and I hope that next year we will still keep in touch.
5. I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad I'll get to see you more starting soon, (I hope anyway). Sometimes you disappoint me because you don't keep in touch... but I forgive you! :) love you and miss you!
6. You are my best friend. You have been for a very long time. There are only 2 people in my life that I have called my best friend because I don't use the term best lightly, and I feel that you are the better of the 2. I am really going to miss you when I move, but you come visit me, I HOPE! There has been no other person that has been a great of a friend as you have to me, and I hope you feel the same. We are basically the same person, which is so awesome and fun! Sometimes we have our arguements, and usually it's me (and especially now--things are really rough for me personally), but we always seem to overcome. Love you so much, more than anything!!
7. I miss you so much! It took me almost 3 months to really realize how much I miss you. I will think of you everyday for the rest of my life, especially those days of my wedding, and children births. I hope to see you again someday.
8. I miss you as well. But I know in a week or so I will get to see you! I'm super excited. You are one of the greatest friends I've had. I miss our walks and talks about Edward Cullen everyday.
9. We grew up together. Everyone thought we were sisters, not because of our name, ,but because we did everything together. I remember Marilyn (pink house lady) told us we were joined at the hip. We basically were. I can't picture a better childhood without you. I love you so much!!! I hope we never lose touch with each other.
10. I want to marry you. If you asked me today to marry you, I would. I think you have an amazing personality. You treat everyone so nicely. I miss you, as well. You are the one I run to to tell things that I don't want to tell other people.
11. You are hilarious. I miss talking to you. I remember having a crush on you for over a year, even though we are two totally different people and I don't agree with many things you do. I love talking to you! :) I hope we get to hang out sometime this summer. Poke!
12. You are really annoying. That's all I have to say about you.
13. Your personality is one that I wish I had. You are the most genuine and sincere person I know. I really wish that I possessed those qualities that you have. You are amazing. I love you and miss you! Hope to see you soon.
14. I wish you weren't so stubborn. It's really hard to get anything accomplished with you, which is really unfortunate. I love you the same though.

Okay I can't really think of anyone else. This is good for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.