Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First "Summer" Update

So I haven't updated in a long time because I was so busy with school. Well now that it is over until the fall I can finally update!!

Finals went well I suppose. I felt like I didn't even study at all for any of them--which made me feel like I wasn't going to do well in my classes. But I found out yesterday that I ended up getting a 4.0 this semester!! Woot!! I was pretty surprised by that--especially since I wasn't expecting an A in my Philosophy class. But I am praising the Lord for his guidance over my professor on grade day! =]

So now it is finally summer. Well kinda. Technically it's not summer until June 21st--but hey it's summer break to me. I ended up taking a job with BonWorth which is an older ladies apparel store out at our outlet mall. It's not the greatest job and I won't be getting very many hours, but I couldn't find much else. And plus, it's going to be nice to be able to not have to work my butt off and to still enjoy the nice weather.

Guess that's my update. Not much else going on. Just moved back a week ago and my room is still a mess with all of my stuff from my dorm room. I should probably work on getting that stuff put away maybe... =]